Pan Tan


(posted on 1 Jun 2017)

Go figure.

As a pastel artist I draw and paint at the same time. I draw to create a painting. So my art is a painting. People may think that pastel artworks are drawings and not considered paintings. In fact, some shows categorized my pastels as drawing. I don't mind. But for art lovers out there, especially those who likes pastels, my personal view on this arises from my years of doing pastels.

All artworks, may it be an oil, acrylic or whatever the medium, started from a drawing. Drawing is fundamental to painting same way with using pastels. But the beauty in pastels, I can create a finished artwork to be categorized as a drawing or I can make it a finished painting. So what's the difference?

When I finished an art leaving behind some of the papers (or whatever substrate used) exposed, that is a Drawing. But when I draw with my pastels leaving no traces of the paper, canvas or wood panels seen, I created a Painting.

Should an artist use a brush and paints to consider the artwork a painting? I don't think so. Or should I use a pencil or pen to create a drawing? I don't agree.

So in conclusion, it is not on the kind of medium that an artist use, but on how the artist creates the artwork for it to be a drawing or a painting. Both are masterpieces. A creation of mind, body and soul.

What's your thought?